Meet Shannon

After earning degrees in Medical Assisting, and Medical Administrative Assisting, Shannon entered the health care field eager to help people, but soon left due to multiple health issues.
Suffering with Fibromyalgia, and migraines Shannon was in search of natural products that would benefit her in multiple ways.  After many hours online and at the local library, Shannon came across a combination of essential oils and herbs that worked to alleviate some of the joint and muscle pain caused by Fibromyalgia as well as the migraines.
Shannon's unique essential oil and herbal mixes intrigued family and friends and had her again in search of ways to incorporate these mixes into everyday products so others could enjoy them. After a many trial and error mixes, Shannon came up with her body butter and bath salts, in which she was able to add these essential oils and herbs for everyday use.
Realizing that her own health issues and unique knowledge of herbal remedies filled a gap, she decided to go all in with product production, and Bodied by Shannon was born. Shannon started the business from her kitchen and works hard to fill every order with love and positive energy.
Based in North Carolina, Shannon, a stay-at-home wife and mother of 4 children, can be found spending time with her family and close friends.